La Sca·la a theatre in Milan, in northern Italy, where operas are performed. It is one of the greatest opera houses in the world.
1. He returned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letters, "VIVE LA FRANCE." 他回到黑板前,拿起一根粉笔,写下几个大字:“法兰西万岁!”
2. Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, sabretoothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea , which is now just a suburb of Los Angeles. 有的动物掉进天然沥青坑里被保存了下来,如在兰桥·拉·布里--现在是洛杉矶的郊区发现的大象、剑齿虎和许多其他动物。
3. On June 5, 1799, Humboldt and Bonpland set sail from La Coruna. 1799年的6月5日,洪堡和庞普朗从拉科鲁尼阿开航。